im very much still alive and ultra busy with flies so heres a couple of videos from the last few months , please feel free to subscribe and like the videos it all helps or you can find me on the usual social media site under dave mcfluffchucker
anybody wishing to but flies can still do this at either the website
thanks again to all who have made these last few years so successful for me and congratulations on all the fish caught o the flies legends everyone of you
back in the cave and a quick blog , this will pretty much be picture heavy and just an update on what's going on now that the world is opening up after the lockdowns (unless your a tory then there wasn't a lockdown as they count themselves as far superior to us peasants)
so ive been mega busy with fly tying and keeping up with orders and speaking of orders let me say again thar the website at the moment has a lead time of around 2 weeks , this means your order will be dispatched either before or at the end of that cut off date , please remember that i hand make every fly nothing is imported from Africa and please people avoid African made predator flies they simply get destroyed and the hooks bend out , this i know as i have many clients with the same issue who come to me for this reason , buy local folks plenty of great guys out there .
so yea its minnow time i really enjoy tying these and they fish great
thundercreeks are available through me or the website link at the bottom of the page
fried alives continue to catch all species and all sizes quite a remarkable fly pattern and the amount of fish this fly actually catches is mad especially when there on the fry patterns
talking of fly patterns i have a couple of new designs out the mczigbug and the warhead , the mczigbug has been designed for mostly carp on the surface and has been destroying venues across the uk , and the warhead has excided exceptions with some unbelievable catches including bloody catfish who would have thought that
the warhead patterns are available on the website here is the link
need further proof well take a look at the video below of some recent catches on warheads and zigbugs
the warhead is breaking down some fisheries and im hearing that one fishery has actually banned its use because its so deadly and catching so many fish nobody else is standing a chance , but hey you know that aint my call , all i know is the gent was using it on a waggler and having to take 2 keepnets fishing with him lol well done fella .
so on that point did you know you can actually use these on coarse gear oh yea , just float fish em either tot them on a waggler and hold back every now and again to raise in the current , deadly for chub or with the zigs just chuck em out with a weight and have them on a fluro dropper so the float above the bottom or weed , job done .
ok so mid sept ill be heading off on a predator hunt in norfolk for a week , most of this will be filmed so really looking forward to that , if your ordering from the website please do so before the end of the second week of sept ill notify on social media when im back ....thanks all
remember if your out fishing put your catches back and take your rubbish home
see ya all soon
(rumours of my death have been greatly exaggerated)
well you don't need to tell me its been a totally weird couple of years what with the rona and everything , i haven't been sitting on my arse doing nothing , far from it life has led me down a path as a full time predator fly tier due to having to give up my support work (which i loved despite the hours and awful uncaring management) due to the arthritis in my knee which has also stopped a few fishing trips but i have learned to live with it and adjust to it so im over the blip now and have some focus but cant believe so much time has passed , but im still here still good and still spelling badly :-)
so what been going down , well actually quite a lot fly have just been going nuts , mainly down to folks catching a shed load of fish here is an example below is gaz , he's a massive fan of robert the roach and a hellava angler
so gaz is a massive fan of robert the roach and he recently messaged me this tally of fish he has had on it
1- close to a thousand pike under 20lbs
2- 23 pike over 20lbs
this is just one person and ive sold literately thousands of the things so you can imagine how many fish it has actually caught , Jesus that is actually the most productive fly ive ever made , predators actually can get enough of it
massive thanks to gaz for the pictures and stats , appreciated
what is it about robert the roach
well firstly its not just flash on a hook i actually blend a few different types of flash to create the robert blend and then well mostly red eyes but i have mixed it up latley with different eye colours and the like and indeed he has evolved into a few different things i,e jigs , sport editions , circle hooks etc but im merely giving clients what they request so all good and continues to slay em .
some great video is also coming out via eu angler over on youtube , hes also a big robert fan , please consider heading over to his channel and giving him a subscribe , he does some great content
here he is unboxing some of my flies
and here he is on the pike
so what else is happening, well fishing wise i get out as and when i can and as tying lets me , im forever busy and usually i work till 9pm , mabey i should just not sleep hahahahah
anyway life in the cave continues and i have found a way to upload faster to youtube so I've put a couple of tying videos up if you wish to check them out and hopefully ill get some new stuff up shortly as i can upload while i work , heres the last one i did as an experiment
well i have a new youtube channel going to be going live shortly which will only be about fishing adventures and will heavily feature myself and woodfish and his carp on the fly adventures there will be catches and instructional videos on his rigs and fly's and the techniques involved and some fishing videos from me also ill put up a link for the channel next blog but there will be lots of this
some maybe aware that i have a wee bit of a medical issue with my leg which causes me a bit of pain so my fishing trips are quite limited just now and along with being forever busy in the cave time to get out was going to be limited .and well the cave is always fun .
so im blessed that i live (almost across the road from a harbour) although fly fishing can be tricky here it is my favourite place to do a wee spot of lrf which im partial too (shock horror) although fly fishing will always be my first love, its nice to have that option to get a quick couple of hours down here and its very picturesque location and o also love the early morning tides when there's nobody around .
not saying i dont like people but i tend to wind them up when they ask me if ive caught anything
tourist - anyluck
me - don't need luck mate im skilled in what i do
tourist (bemused look) - oh right , have you caught anything
me - well actually yes ive had a couple of nice carp
tourist - "carp" you can catch them in the sea
me - well yes , i mean you've heard of salmon and sea trout coming up rivers from the sea haven't you
tourist - well now you mention it yes i have , well i never knew that , you learn something everyday
so you get the idea , if your going to disturb my peace im going to get my moneys worth from you but its all in good fun
so a friend posted on the edinburgh anglers page on facebook a great picture of a gurnard that his mrs had caught there , now i was really surprised as id never heard of one caught there before and i have not caught one in a lot of years so kinda spurned me on to have a go for a local one.
this is my 5:30 am face yea it was an early tide around 7 am , ben who i was meting wasn't getting down till 6:30 am so i decided just to head down
i opted for a 1-7 grm rod 6lb briad to 4lb flurocarbon to a dropshot rig with a one inch isomme worm, well i just had a lazy first cast and within 60 seconds and as i bought it in i looked into the water as it came up and saw the unmistakable shape of the fins , it was indeed my target fish . well that was quick lol , beautiful little fish
next on my list was a scorpion fish (i was pretty much on a mini species hunt today ) i cast back in close to the side where i know the scorpions hang out and after a couple of missed bites i got one , dont now what it is about these fish mabey just the prehistoric look of them or the tenacious fight on light gear but i always enjoy catching them .
on a side note its quite interesting that there seems to be more species around the harbour than in previous years and i wonder if its because of the harbour being dredged what seems to be yearly but certainly something going on and there seems to be bigger shoals of sprat around than previous years so im guessing thats a good sign .
ben gets lucky
so ben arrives on a quest for his first Scottish mackerel , hes actually tried no end and didn't even get one last year despite his best efforts but i guessed he might today as i knew they were about as i had seen lots of sprat flashing in panic under the water below me
after about 20 mins throwing a silver lead lure around he got his first one and was over the moon , he ended up with 4 so he was delighted , always great fishing with ben and never a dull moment
so was bound to happen i hooked into a mackerel and what great fun on the light gear, even stripping line and going on long runs , i mean seriously isnt this what the say the tug is the drug , personally ill take that everyday than blanking , absolutely superb sport .
aerobatic mac , gotta love em
about the only time i keep fish is when i catch mackerel, very good for you and taste awesome when there fresh ,
the tide was heading well out and was about 2 hours out from high and i had another scorpion and another couple of macs and that was about it for us as ben had to get away and my pains were starting to annoy me .
one this i noticed was the mackerel were quite fat this year , i gutted the fish to only find the odd sandeel quite well digested which was strange considering the amount of sprats about
you really can beat this from sea to plate in a few hours the mackerel was baked in the oven with added herbs and garlic and was literally melt in the mouth
been a fairly hectic week in the cave with an order to finish and pack for Holland
orange flies are something people usually fish as part of a colour combo (usually chartreus ) but can be deadly with some orange flash running through it as you can see below
biggest perch of the yea falls to mike on the pike blog , who caught this specimen on a robert the roach in 6/0 while pike fishing on a float tube on the thames , its been said that the biggest of big fish is a big perch , and i tend to agree , great fish mate .
(for he is the messiah)
nigel and i hooked up after he had a problem with a fly hook straightening out at the net and him losing a large catfish , the company i wont name but begins with f m , now im sorry thats what happens when you buy African made garbage of course you think being a reputable company they would would be top notch but nope yet again another reason to buy from local tiers , i care about the bottom of the net not the bottom line i rest my case
so nigel messaged me and told me of his issues and could i help
not an issue job complete , below are some pictures that nigel sent in , caught on the flies he purchases from me
as i was about to publish this blog i had the incredible news that nigel had caught the second largset catfish in the uk and the fly that caught it has been named "woods red devil" well deserved and couldnt have happened to a nicer bloke
nigel congratulations
here are the pictures
i cant really follow that but nigel with be in the angling times paper in September chatting about it
well i have to admit despite my best promises time once again has escaped me for many many reasons not just the current global situation we find ourselves in . and of course being busy in the cave doesn't help , but it is what it is
my cave is my refuge from the madness although this tends to be afternoon and early evenings sometimes into the night if im really busy ,I cant really do mornings just now because of the dodgy knee and medications i take before i go to bed at night knocks me out but they have to be taken just now .
fishing is starting to pick up again now that people can travel and there's been some great catches on my fluff pictures will be somewhere on this page so im going to give a brief update on whats been happening in and out of the cave .
mabey you have noticed that there is a big movement of lure anglers using flies , i have championed this for many years if you follow me you will have seen this and probably the video i did chasing preds on lrf gear with flies , if you haven't here is the video , pike weren't playing that day but it was more about casting with flies .
so as you can see it can easily be done and is a fantastic method when urban towpath fly fishing gets a bit sketchy with people and trees , of course you can also fish these with all the usual types of lure rigs texas rigged , carolina rigged and whatever method you like , a lot of folks like using cherubuska weights and that is also a method i enjoy .
so you dont need to go out and buy fly tackle in fact not everybody takes to fly fishing so this is a perfect compromise indeed i know folks that use my flies deep see fishing over wrecks and catch some bloody good fish so think outside the box and give it a go .
still a bit of a marmite fly as people are put off by the hook shape i do sell a fair amount of these and usually to folks who fish all methods i.e deadbaits with a single circle through the tail root and realise how efficient these are and to America anglers who have been using them for a good few years , i do a trial pack fairly cheap on ebay if you fancy a try, a devastating way to catch fish , click the link below
tube flies are another fly thats gaining in popularity over the years you can make these things massive and yea i mean massive i recently did a bespoke order where the fly itself was 12 inchs but by adding a segregated separate body you can effectively have a 24 inch fly but is not the weight of a wet sock ,
tube flys are a lot of fun to tye and the theory is that the tube rides up the trace and doesn't give the fish an angle on the hook to free itself again i sell tubes not massively popular but the momentum is growing .
tube flies are very easy to store and you can chose whatever hooks you like to use with them , i prefer the octopus style hooks as they have a small shank and wide gape , as to trace material there are many ways to rig them up ill go into that in depth another time but there plenty out there if your desperate
a basic saltwater tube in blue 7/8 inchs , also a great freshwater pattern
a more common pike pattern tube that does well in gravel pits probably because of the bream like colours , who knows .
you will see a lot of tube flies from the Scandinavians that have big tails beads , i question why they are needed and think the make things very complicated when its not really needed and not having beads has had zero effect on my clients catches , i may dig a bit more into this but will continue to tye as i have done
my website continues to keep me busy and i am frankly stunned a the amount of flies im actually sending out between that and ebay which has actually been an amazing thing as i am because of me knee problem i cannot work in my chosen field anymore so this has now become my main source of income .
of course this is somewhat a double edged sword as i am busy every day tying flies (i also supply a few private customers )
trout and about
another never ending part of my life is doing fly bags i always seem to never have enough , Sundays are made for printing right
big sparkly brush flies , they kill they really do they look awesome in the water the have a wonderful profile and you can use them on either fly rods or lure rods just ass a cherabuska weight ar fish them carolina or texas rigged these things are awsome
so ive now started selling pike sized popper heads through the website fab pike sized sizes that shift a bit of water
talking of poppers
these custom poppers are headed to the north of scotland great to make and a real catcher
more website stock mate and available now , the website is growing nicely if you haven't yet checked it out please head on over i have pike , perch ,saltwater , catfish, coarse fish and a big range of carp and carp zig bugz and remember it post free here's the address
as far as consistent catchers is concerned the fried alive baitfish has been the runaway success of the year i have actually now lost count of the amount of double figure pike they have caught amazing for a small 3 inch baitfish .
so what is it about these things , is it that the pike are feeding on fry is it they just want a snack as it passes by i really dont know but i do know that on one particular scottish loch these things actually destroy the local pike population if you want to check out the range here is the link
one of the fibres i use a lot is the pike skinz predator fire from jerkbait mania , chris does some fantastic blends and they feature a lot in my ties , although i pimp the out a lot with flash and add bits and bobs . if your into lure fishing chris has some absolutely amazing hand painted cranks and jerkbaits avalible on his site check his website here
the gold version of robert the roach is still doing some great fish out and about i blend 4 types of flash into these then hollow tyed i now have a range which you can find here
if your looking for a fly that you can have 100 % confidence in then robert the roach is it , i hand blend the materials myself so you wont get the same fly anywhere else , this really has proved a great fly and some very big fish to its name , you can find it in the full metal racket racket section on the website
ROYAL BLUE pro predator dubbing is a very fine and soft flash which is ideal for blending into soft materials like dyckers fiber.
when blended in the effect in the water is lots of random flashes , which is a great trigger for getting predators to strike
more shiny stuff for a customer a lot of my work is bespoke and people will message and mail me there ideas and then ill put em on a hook so if your not sure what you after im always happy to help
ive noticed over the last few years the trend of smaller flies and the amount of fish they are catching ,and the different species smaller flies catch and its incredible to think that and its not that long in the distant past that the thinking was only trout and salmon on the fly , how times change
i remember the days when i was lambasted by people for pike fly fishing and now those very same people are sponsored by the companies who care more about there image than the fish the used to kill in the trout streams........funny old world ill just keep doing what i do
so that's it for now , i have shed loads more to write which i will do in the next blog , which hopefully wont be as long a gap as this one .
you can always find me on instagram , twitter etc or just have a search for mcfluffchucker
Hello... Is anyone out there???
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fishing that often. One evening session locally with my mate Ryan only
produced ...
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Jaye's Lake - Ice Off!
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orange scud, pink scud and a sparkle perdigon. These fish have gotten fat
over ...
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οικονομικό πλούτο από ό,τι έβγαζε παλιά τα τελευταία 20 χρόνια. Καθισμένος
στο ...
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Edinburgh Angling Centre
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Been a while since I last blogged but been a bit sporadic in my fishing the
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[image: pesca a mosca]
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Gracias y enhorabuena
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Encore un mois ........ !!!!
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meg Aranka- másnapos remegő cédulahúzó keze, s nem volt elég ötszáz
kilométeren a ...
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I have been away since 2011. Lets see....whats new....
I am a dad! My son is nearly 2 years old and severely curtails my fishin...
A little fishing and a lot of flashing
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camera for Christmas and I have been eagerly awaiting the chance to learn
how to use ...
Pulp Fly: Volume Three
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*Read on. *
Introduction by Michael Gracie
Cover art ...
A long time coming
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*Guess who is back!!! I was on a little break from a lot of stuff and now
I am back to show some of my new creations that I have come up with!
Thanks ...
Wednesday Tuggin the lucky way
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great o...
Daiwa New Era Fly Rods
New Era SLR Fly Rods from Daiwa
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2012 LCI Father's Day Derby....One to Remember
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followers for the lack of substance that I have posted over the past year.
Two Years.
Ok, its been a long time!
Here's two years of fishing!
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a few pictures when i di...
North to Alaska
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Boys and they're first Walleye
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weight t...
Epic Fail (part 1)
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Making a fiber brush for Brush flies
It is nice to have one of the fancy dubbing brush tools that you get now a
days, but if you don't want to spend big bucks on it then there is a simple
and ...
Peter Green PAC Lifetime Achievement Award
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Peter h...
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lately wh...
*FLY FISHING FOR BASS, a continuing series... Stay tuned!*
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Fly Fishing for Bass Part 2... "How you do...
Some nymph's and such...
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son's first gill of the season. I have it tucked away for same keeping. I
am pla...
Angler's Rainbow
A little postcard sized rainbow trout I painted yesterday. This will be a
door prize at the Angle's Club of Philadelphia Diner being held April
14th. T...
Lonely Lunker Winner
Gotta toot my horn. Winner, winner....Chicken Dinner! That nice 8.22 pound
Landlocked I pulled from Lake Champlain got me a Lonely Lunker prize in the
Cool New Products
This time of the year is one of my favorite times as a fly shop owner. It
is the time of the year when new products are unveiled from manufacturers
and di...
Cheeky hour
I had to drop the motor into the garage and was told to come back in about
hour, so knowing there was a stretch of river nearby I wandered off for a
De IJssel en haar schoonheden
Ik heb er zin in. Vandaag samen met mijn maatje Abel op pad, richting de
ijssel. Na een stevige wandeling zijn we er rond half 2. Een mooi gedeelte
van d...