well i have to admit despite my best promises time once again has escaped me for many many reasons not just the current global situation we find ourselves in . and of course being busy in the cave doesn't help , but it is what it is
my cave is my refuge from the madness although this tends to be afternoon and early evenings sometimes into the night if im really busy , I cant really do mornings just now because of the dodgy knee and medications i take before i go to bed at night knocks me out but they have to be taken just now .
fishing is starting to pick up again now that people can travel and there's been some great catches on my fluff pictures will be somewhere on this page so im going to give a brief update on whats been happening in and out of the cave .
mabey you have noticed that there is a big movement of lure anglers using flies , i have championed this for many years if you follow me you will have seen this and probably the video i did chasing preds on lrf gear with flies , if you haven't here is the video , pike weren't playing that day but it was more about casting with flies .
so as you can see it can easily be done and is a fantastic method when urban towpath fly fishing gets a bit sketchy with people and trees , of course you can also fish these with all the usual types of lure rigs texas rigged , carolina rigged and whatever method you like , a lot of folks like using cherubuska weights and that is also a method i enjoy .
so you dont need to go out and buy fly tackle in fact not everybody takes to fly fishing so this is a perfect compromise indeed i know folks that use my flies deep see fishing over wrecks and catch some bloody good fish so think outside the box and give it a go .
still a bit of a marmite fly as people are put off by the hook shape i do sell a fair amount of these and usually to folks who fish all methods i.e deadbaits with a single circle through the tail root and realise how efficient these are and to America anglers who have been using them for a good few years , i do a trial pack fairly cheap on ebay if you fancy a try, a devastating way to catch fish , click the link below
tube flies are another fly thats gaining in popularity over the years you can make these things massive and yea i mean massive i recently did a bespoke order where the fly itself was 12 inchs but by adding a segregated separate body you can effectively have a 24 inch fly but is not the weight of a wet sock ,
tube flys are a lot of fun to tye and the theory is that the tube rides up the trace and doesn't give the fish an angle on the hook to free itself again i sell tubes not massively popular but the momentum is growing .
tube flies are very easy to store and you can chose whatever hooks you like to use with them , i prefer the octopus style hooks as they have a small shank and wide gape , as to trace material there are many ways to rig them up ill go into that in depth another time but there plenty out there if your desperate
a basic saltwater tube in blue 7/8 inchs , also a great freshwater pattern
a more common pike pattern tube that does well in gravel pits probably because of the bream like colours , who knows .
you will see a lot of tube flies from the Scandinavians that have big tails beads , i question why they are needed and think the make things very complicated when its not really needed and not having beads has had zero effect on my clients catches , i may dig a bit more into this but will continue to tye as i have done

my website continues to keep me busy and i am frankly stunned a the amount of flies im actually sending out between that and ebay which has actually been an amazing thing as i am because of me knee problem i cannot work in my chosen field anymore so this has now become my main source of income .
of course this is somewhat a double edged sword as i am busy every day tying flies (i also supply a few private customers )
trout and about
another never ending part of my life is doing fly bags i always seem to never have enough , Sundays are made for printing right
big sparkly brush flies , they kill they really do they look awesome in the water the have a wonderful profile and you can use them on either fly rods or lure rods just ass a cherabuska weight ar fish them carolina or texas rigged these things are awsome
so ive now started selling pike sized popper heads through the website fab pike sized sizes that shift a bit of water
talking of poppers
these custom poppers are headed to the north of scotland great to make and a real catcher
more website stock mate and available now , the website is growing nicely if you haven't yet checked it out please head on over i have pike , perch ,saltwater , catfish, coarse fish and a big range of carp and carp zig bugz and remember it post free here's the address
as far as consistent catchers is concerned the fried alive baitfish has been the runaway success of the year i have actually now lost count of the amount of double figure pike they have caught amazing for a small 3 inch baitfish .
so what is it about these things , is it that the pike are feeding on fry is it they just want a snack as it passes by i really dont know but i do know that on one particular scottish loch these things actually destroy the local pike population if you want to check out the range here is the link
one of the fibres i use a lot is the pike skinz predator fire from jerkbait mania , chris does some fantastic blends and they feature a lot in my ties , although i pimp the out a lot with flash and add bits and bobs . if your into lure fishing chris has some absolutely amazing hand painted cranks and jerkbaits avalible on his site check his website here
the gold version of robert the roach is still doing some great fish out and about i blend 4 types of flash into these then hollow tyed i now have a range which you can find here
ive been also doing a few flies with tails lately which are going down great with some pike populations
at the moment im pretty much doing these to order but hope to have a dedicated page up shortly
proof of a flies effectiveness is down to the chew and if you head to the trophy shots page on the website you can find the catches here
if your looking for a fly that you can have 100 % confidence in then robert the roach is it , i hand blend the materials myself so you wont get the same fly anywhere else , this really has proved a great fly and some very big fish to its name , you can find it in the full metal racket racket section on the website
ROYAL BLUE pro predator dubbing is a very fine and soft flash which is ideal for blending into soft materials like dyckers fiber.
when blended in the effect in the water is lots of random flashes , which is a great trigger for getting predators to strike
more shiny stuff for a customer a lot of my work is bespoke and people will message and mail me there ideas and then ill put em on a hook so if your not sure what you after im always happy to help
ive noticed over the last few years the trend of smaller flies and the amount of fish they are catching ,and the different species smaller flies catch and its incredible to think that and its not that long in the distant past that the thinking was only trout and salmon on the fly , how times change
i remember the days when i was lambasted by people for pike fly fishing and now those very same people are sponsored by the companies who care more about there image than the fish the used to kill in the trout streams........funny old world ill just keep doing what i do
so that's it for now , i have shed loads more to write which i will do in the next blog , which hopefully wont be as long a gap as this one .
you can always find me on instagram , twitter etc or just have a search for mcfluffchucker
cheers all see ya soon
(a cave in scotland)
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