she decided today to clear out one of her folder you know the ones with all the old bills from 1981 etc etc , so being kind of busy with the old fly tying i slink ed of to my tying room which is just off the living room and left her to it .
after half an hour i hear my name being shouted obviously the dog had done a dump or something which she feels I'm able to complete without her supervising me , so i opens the door to be met with a blanket of smoke ,
the dozy daft redhead had only decided to foil all the id thieves by burning all the old bills in the SINK and this in a kitchen that's 3ft by 4ft oh that's not the best bit its all my fault the mixer taps and sink have melted because i didn't tell her that just because something is silver in colour doesn't nesaceraly mean it made of metal and plastic sinks and tap mixers can sometimes be silver in color

and tonight ill get bollocked again for not doing the dishes after tea because there's a ruddy great hole in it and the taps look like something from an alien film set
now before i go on and is case she sees this in her defence she is a great cook very intelligent (halfway through a maths degree) although sometimes it must be said she does lack a bit of common sense
independent my arse