ok so you may think its not
hot enough in Scotland for UV,s well you’d be quite right but there
is so much more to these things and to be honest I only ever thought
that there was one company that made them and that was buff so it was
with great surprise when nick over at deercreek became an outlet for
them and he sent me a sample to try ….
as I said we probably dont
get enough sun here to warrant these as dont go out the door without
them item but I actually bought a buff a while ago for a couple of
reasons 1 was to use as a background for taking fly pictures , the
other was to were as a bandanna to keep my hair out the way while
tying flies (longhair has a tendency to stuck on varnish and epoxys)
and can be a pain I also use it on my wrist while im tying on the
laptop (very comfortable as per picture below ) and of course fishing
wise I use it to keep the chill of my face and the flies out my
mouth and of course on the one sunny day we get as a uv protector ,
of course dont limit yourself to that theres a million and one uses
for these .
So why buy a rag well ive
compared both and ive found both are the same length and width , I
did a search around and found that the cheapest angler focused one
were as follows
buff – £13.99 (uk)
hoo rag - £12.49 (uk)
ok so not much difference
except for the price and buffs come in a larger range but I found
that hoo rags were a lot softer and more stretchy than the buff , im
sure the hoo rag will be around for a long time and they will add
more patterns but they get my vote
have a look at this video for
a few ideas on how to wear them
the scientists at deer creek
have a few new products coming out over the next few mounths , the
first to appear is a really nice range of long crystal flash in some
nice colours and also very long hanks which of course is great for
larger pike flies
ok so my bro ken capsey he of
stoopid facial expressions and the ability to get drunk on one beer
and of course some exceptional pike flies is getting hitched next
week , im really gutted I cant be there but I will be in spirit as he
and naomi know , so ken headed off for a stag fish and man when you
catch a trout like this you gotta know life is good , I cant remember
when I saw a fish as nicely marked as this hats of to ya brother
thats a storming fish , and on your big day try and not forget the
words , get drunk before it , lose the rings or fart at the alter
(been there done that never appreciated)
bro have a great day your one
of the nicest guys ive ever met and im proud to have ya as a bro
a cave in Scotland
(there will be no blog next
friday as im off on a road trip full report and crazyness the week
so I got a trip coming up and im
not in a boat for a change, so my whole set up has to change for this
trip my boat box below has pretty much every fly line and every fly
in every colour you can think of , id be happy to get in a boat in
any part of the county and be confident of having the right fly for
the job predator wise so when I have to scale thing back for a non
boat trip I really have to think about what im taking and to take
flies that will cover most situations I will come across and that can
mean taking a whole heap of one colour in different sizes or a whole
heap of mixed flies depends where im going ….
so for this trip and really for
most trips I do in this country I will have had some prior knowledge
of the venue or as in most cases it will be a venue that ive fished
before at least once in the past so usually ill know what the main
baitfish is so I can take flies to match but when im going through
the boxes of flies it just ain’t that easy OK so ill take the flies
I really need but then ill think oh id better take this and that fly
and before you know it ive got loads its a nightmare choosing flies
sometimes but most of the time ill get it right .
So this below is believe it or
not my lightweight bag that I take if im wandering around lochs or
I love this bag it has loads of
great features unfortunately as far as im aware its not available any
more so id better take care of it , it has a very nice zip pocket on
the top here I keep leader material clips etc. and a small first aid
kit , dont know how many people actually carry a first aid kit when
fishing but carrying one can make things a whole lot more comfortable
if you cut yourself or get chewed by a bug
the main compartment is large
enough carry 4 of my big plastic cases and the big finsport wallet
and my leader wallet , the side pockets take 2 more smaller boxes and
the front pocket carrys another small box and glasses and unhooking
gear , I can of course also fit in a bottle of water and some food in
the main compartment , the small camo patch you can see is a small
pocket which is ideal for keys cash or a mobile phone , although I
tend to have my phone in the top compartment with my leader. nice bag
from the vice this week smaller patterns
thread - clear mono
hook - 2/0 dai reki
body - icelandic sheep hair
flash - deercreek crystal flash
eye - green piketrek 8mm rubberized
thread - clear mono
hook - dai reki 2/0
belly - yellow ep fiber
back - black ep fiber
eye - hard eyez from hook eye and fly
hook - dai reki 2/0
belly - white icelandic sheep hair
back - olive icelandic sheep hair
flash - deercreek crystal flash
sidestripe - grizzed hackle
eye - piketrek 8mm red eye
follow the leader
OK so im going to say this now I
don’t like to complicate my set up with complicated leader set ups
the set up below ive used and abused and its always served me well
there is really no need to go down the tapered leaders for turning
over big flies my biggest of flies turn over nicely thank you very
much , the thing is with guys coming into the sport from a trout
fishing angle will bring there own leader ideas with them which if it
works for them great but its really not needed in my opinion this is
a big bad ass predator we are chasing, not trout on a chalk stream
the thing is to get the fly in the water and that’s half the battle
done , I know people will have there own ideas on leaders im not
saying your wrong im just saying how I do it and its never failed me
in 30+ years so here it is a bog standard one size fits all leader
for pike
I use seaguar flurocarbon for my
leaders simply because its never let me down ok its quite expensive
but youll get your moneys worth out of a 50m spool and its a lot
cheaper that buying those ready made leaders so it makes sense to
make your own
1 – the loop
I make a simple loop in each end
like above , make sure you wet the knot before pulling it tight and
once pulled tight clip the tag end close to the knot , for a bog
standard leader on an intermediate line ill use a 5 foot leader the
pike arnt line shy once they focus on the fly thats its there on it.
loop to loop on the fly line
once ive looped both ends of the
leader I attach one to the fly line and gently pull until is a snug
then I attach the other end to
my trace material (authanic wire) again with a loop to loop, authanic
is very easy to loop unlike stiffer wires and that is pretty much it
a very easy and effective leader set up , nothing complicated and has
done me well over many years and the most important thing is its
never let me down as I said before this isn’t about finesse and
presentation on the water we are fishing for a predator so delicate
dosnt apply ….
a long day on the loch
today was the last day of boat
fishing on the loch so myself and conan decided to have a major crack
at it with a dawn till dusk session and cover the areas I call my
sweet spots so I arranged for a 6.30am pick up and we would be there
just as dawn was breaking , unfortunately conan decided his lovely
warm bed was worth staying in an extra half hour so we arrived
slightly later than anticipated but only by half an hour so wasn’t
that bad .
When we got there it was chilly
a most defiantly a nip in the air the fact I was wearing long
trousers instead of shorts proved that it was certainly getting into
winter but never the less this time of year can be great for the fly
fisher and as the leaves turn a golden brown a lot of people start
thinking pike but keep those fly rods out there’s still plenty of
action to be had despite the cold weather
a great time of year to be out
on the water loads of cool colours on the trees the water was still a
bit green but this would be too much of a problem being out there and
getting a fly wet is the most important thing , so we cruised up to a
couple of my honey spots but things were a bit slow so we headed to
the other side of the loch where if you get the right wind you can
have a fantastic drift right down one shoreline and over a couple of
sweet spots if you get the right drift so we got over there and it
wasn’t quite a perfect drift but it was good enough , as we
approached one sweet spot on the drift conans rod buckled over with
what was obviously a very large fish that stayed down deep and moved
off taking a few yards of line , I started to bring my line in so as
not to get in the way when it got near the boat and to give a clear
shot of netting it , the conan muttered those words you never want to
hear “its off” I was gutted for him as it was obviously a large
fish and without a shadow of a doubt his new pb but these things
happen sometimes a fish can be lightly hooked and any pressure will
see the hook just popping out nothing you can do about it , but to
give him his credit he just got back on with it and carried on
fishing …....mabey next later .
Poundage of green torpedo
we carried on fishing the drift
then went back up to the top of the drift again for a second run at
it , this time I had put on a pretty basic but deadly fly a simple
marabou pattern id tied up a couple of these as I do these days 2 of
everything so if it does work then I can give one to conan well
actually his lost fish came on the fly so I stuck my one on for the
second drift and as we fished down the bank I cast into the shore and
after a couple of casts towards the bank my rod thumped over as 12lbs
of angry esox comped down on the maribou streamer , now these fish in
this loch are really turbo charged and outstanding sport on a fly rod
this one stayed down and actually went round the boat a few times
before finally slipping into the net I just love that moment when
they break surface and give you the eye cant beat it .
my biggest pike on the fly so
far is a fish of 25lbs from an English river and back then as ive
spoken about before the only materials we had back then were maribou
feathers and bucktail synthetic materials had only just started
making an apperance in this country with e.p fiber so that fish fell
pretty much to the same type of fly as this one a basic streamer fly
, I do however recommend you get a decent maribou feather because you
need it to have lots of movement and long plums for maximum pulse I
exclusively use the feathers from deercreek because they are Hand
picked at DC HQ and dyed by the best in the business. These feathers
are probably the best ive ever seen. 10 great feathers per pkt Price:
£1.69 you cant go wrong heres the link http://www.deercreek.co.uk/FEATHERS.html
if your a bit of a feather junky
then its worth having a look at there other feathers as well as they
have some very nice stuff . The hook was one of hook eye and flies
esox 2 streamer hook heres the link and they have a buy a pack get a
pack free offer on
But as I was saying that fish
took a maribou feather so mabey its time to knock a few out again if
your not sure how to make one heres a video I did a while ago , in
the video I glue on eyes but if you want to use dunbells like the fly
above then just tie that in first behind the eye on top of the hook
so it swims hook up
lunch is served
well you got to face it theres
nothing worse than being out for the day and having rubbish food ok
fisherman’s food is usually a couple of pies or something and
there’s nothing worse than being hungry when your out fishing so we
tend to take a good feed out with us and to be honest you cant beat
sitting in a boat on a pretty loch having a good feed and we
certainly do that although I draw the line at eating his left overs
from the night before …....................
a float around
we had a float around after
lunch and came in contact with a few more smaller fish nothing
exciting there you may think but I actually caught them on my pimped
bunny bugs now ive got history of failing miserably with bunny bugs
so this is indeed a dramatic turn around for me as ive not been able
to catch on the things for at least 15 years so this has given a
massive boost (ernie firth will be laughing his head off) seriously I
just had no luck with things at all ,
most of the action shots you see
on the blog are taken by conan with his monster big posh camera and
although he doesn’t think so I absolutely love his pictures and he
pulls out a great action shot so this picture above is one of my
favourites bunny out the mouth gills flaring brilliance conan is also
available for weddings , party’s etc and will work for chocolate
close encounters of the R.A.F
we had a close encounter with an
R.A.F Hercules which buzzed very low over the loch by the time I had
seen it coming and got my camera it was just about out of view but as
it passed I swear it was so close I could see the pilots , I remember
some years ago when I was fishing a loch in the north of scotland
and a tornado jet came screaming up the loch just above the water in
fact it was so low it actually left a wake on the water which was
quite a cool site but what was cooler was another jet that appeared a
few minutes later chasing it now that was cool , the things you see
when your fishing
over and out
so with the end of the boat
season on the loch I go to say ive fished with a lot of people and
taught a lot of people to pike fly fish but its been a real honour
and a pleasure and dare I say a bloody great laugh with conan these
past few months and the speed he’s picked it up has been incredible
and bearing in mind hes come from a trout fishing background he’s
actually bought none of his trouting habits with him and just gone
with the flow which is incredible rare for someone coming from one
arm of the sport to another so again hats of to ya buddy and look
forward to loads more adventures and species chasing in the future
(we got plans people)
up the fluff
get some of the best pike fly
fishing in Scotland
so there’s an opportunity come
up if you fancy having a crack at this fantastic water I fish in
stunning countryside and fish that are turbo charged and never give
up the fight then there’s some bank fishing tickets available heres
the detals and hopefully ill see you on the loch
Pike fly fishing opportunities
available on a private loch just 20 miles from Edinburgh. This
is a first class facility with all you need for great pike fly
fishing. The fishing has been strictly controlled on the loch so
the pike have not been over fished.
Hello... Is anyone out there???
*Let's see... The last post was in August 2023. Wow. I probably lost my
viewership. That's alright, as this blog was mostly for my kids to read
Look what’s been caught!
Since getting back from the Canary Islands last month, I’ve not been out
fishing that often. One evening session locally with my mate Ryan only
produced ...
Wye Challenges 2024/25
*Wye Pike: Target 20* - Total: 13 (65%)
Didn't go exactly to plan, there are far fewer pike here than I thought.
Hundreds of hours for thirteen pike (inclu...
14/03/2025 - A mixed bag to finish
Last week was spent aimlessly messing about, although to be fair the
weather was all over the place - cold, gusty wind, bright sunshine, squally
Jaye's Lake - Ice Off!
It was a good morning. Got up there around 8am, got them on hare's ear,
orange scud, pink scud and a sparkle perdigon. These fish have gotten fat
over ...
Through the Desert
*Desert Steel...*
The Deschutes is downright breathtaking. Every. Single. Time. Due to the
natural beauty of the canyon, I've made a concerted effort to...
December 28, 2024
After realizing I was close to achieving 500 Koi on fly (lifetime), I
decided to get after them one more time this year.
It was tough, fish weren't part...
Από το μηδέν στον ήρωα του Kurek Ashley
Ξανά άστεγοι Ωστόσο, τους τελευταίους δύο μήνες, έχει αποκτήσει περισσότερο
οικονομικό πλούτο από ό,τι έβγαζε παλιά τα τελευταία 20 χρόνια. Καθισμένος
στο ...
Growing the sport of fly fishing.
It used to be that when someone had something to say about fly fishing it
was because they were being helpful. Nowadays with social media and
Over the next couple weeks, this site will undergo some changes. It will be
moving in more ways than one, and once finished, it will hopefully be
Thinking of Pike
The last time I fished for Pike was a couple of years ago and that day
turned out to be a bit of a disaster, I was fishing from my float tube and
hooked a ...
Back In That Saddle...
Lets say I've been a bit busy lately
Between running a couple charity programs for Hurricane Dorian victims and Australian
I am still alive guys! I haven't been doing much on this page since it
seems like everything shifted over to Facebook and Instagram. If you are
are sti...
I'm Back!!!!!! just posted me new video under the ice on lake okoboji. I am
getting back into doing my fishing show now that I got a comuter fast
enough to...
Undercover Fly Shop Visit: Fly South
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course, I found myself sneaking into an excellent local fly shop. Fly
South is tu...
New England Fly Fishing, Red Sox and Podcasts
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subject topics. I listen to a lot of podcasts, I love fly fishing in New
England (b...
Clouser Crayfish Tutorial
Tutorial courtesy of Kypes and Stripes Outdoors on YouTube. One of my
favorite patterns and thought you'd like to see a tutorial.
New client feedback
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one of the mos...
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Future fly fishing fan club. lol
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Water and Fish
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change that.
2018 and 2019 have been major years of change in my life. One thing re...
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2019 Will Be Glorious
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Edinburgh Angling Centre
Hi all!
Been a while since I last blogged but been a bit sporadic in my fishing the
last while as work has changed a few times and also had some health
Otro más ...
[image: pesca a mosca]
Campeones del mundo 2018 ... otra vez. Equipazo
Gracias y enhorabuena
Champions of the world 2018 ... again.
Thanks and congratula...
The Fishermen's Spot Carp Town Hall
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Casting for Recovery: Il report
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piccolissimo contributo, a far in modo che il primo raduno Casting for
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Come visit us up at Rosemont and Schaumburg!
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weekend up at the Schaumburg Outdoor show! Come on over and say hello.
Fish Leather Books, New Website & Blog!
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with my site and blog. There is also some rather exciting news to share,
which I...
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A Tale of Three Steelhead
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place, suc...
Cane and Carp.
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a wh...
A month on the rivers
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special tha...
Spring fishing
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Big gravel bar fish
Flycarpin getting it done at carpcon2
I got a few...
Inner City Fly Slinging
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complete modesty, the fishing results from this time period have been
mediocre. The l...
CP's Micro Balanced Simi Seal Leech
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Urban fishing kicsiben
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kinéztünk öcsémmel az ablakon, mindkettőnknek kedve támadt kétkerékre
Encore un mois ........ !!!!
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Je regarde mon calendrier chaque jour ......... et il faut toujours
attendre ... !! et encore attendre !!
Alors pour le pl...
A Screw Driver To Move You
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Robinson's Shagnasty Shrimp
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waters of Belize. I always like to carry something in my box that isn't
the norm...
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Phantom (2015)
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Back yard has eyes....
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everything.... Even cl...
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jika mendengar puding yang ...
Hello and goodbye… or maybe not quite yet!
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still alive. I also know that my blog has been cut off with scissors at a
Attenborough Bream
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pits. A lovely place to relax and spend a few days fishing in the sun...
and rain!...
Az úgy volt, hogy egy csapatba -kalangyába lapátolt a kegyetlen sors- no
meg Aranka- másnapos remegő cédulahúzó keze, s nem volt elég ötszáz
kilométeren a ...
Cortland PAC Rod
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Cortland rods. With that being said, when the chance to grab a Cortland
PAC rod came u...
Good News Day!
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Magazine as one of thier LRF / Light Game contributors! I am very pleased
about it...
*Hello dear followers!*
I have been away since 2011. Lets see....whats new....
I am a dad! My son is nearly 2 years old and severely curtails my fishin...
A little fishing and a lot of flashing
Flashing, as in photography, of course! Chris bought me a great new
camera for Christmas and I have been eagerly awaiting the chance to learn
how to use ...
Pulp Fly: Volume Three
Pulp Fly Volume Three is now available with a collection of stories from a
diverse group of writers.
*Read on. *
Introduction by Michael Gracie
Cover art ...
A long time coming
With the advent of our Facebook page we have some what neglected our BLOG
We have have added a few new pro staff members and have added several new
*Guess who is back!!! I was on a little break from a lot of stuff and now
I am back to show some of my new creations that I have come up with!
Thanks ...
Wednesday Tuggin the lucky way
It was tough fishing but we went and we caught fish!
I say it was tough for at least two reasons. The visibility was the main
thing that made it tough f...
Last year I bought a reasonably good tripod for my camera and began to lug
it fishing with me on a regular basis. I had dreams of becoming the next
great o...
Daiwa New Era Fly Rods
New Era SLR Fly Rods from Daiwa
Well the rods have rolled off the production line in Wishaw in Scotland and
are now on their way to shops all over the UK....
2012 LCI Father's Day Derby....One to Remember
I've been gone from this blog for far too long. I want to apologize to my
followers for the lack of substance that I have posted over the past year.
Two Years.
Ok, its been a long time!
Here's two years of fishing!
Finding time to go fishing these days is not easy, I still managed to take
a few pictures when i di...
North to Alaska
A stray from the norm....
Johnny Horton first comes to mind for a theme song but then fades into a
classic John Wayne film. My family and I have been rollin...
Boys and they're first Walleye
Grabbed the boys and their spin gear and headed to the river, I thought I
would put some of my Intruders on their line since they have significant
weight t...
Epic Fail (part 1)
Six bluegill swam below me as I stood on the dock at my step-mother’s cabin. From
my elevated perch overlooking the lake, I was able to only see one at firs...
Making a fiber brush for Brush flies
It is nice to have one of the fancy dubbing brush tools that you get now a
days, but if you don't want to spend big bucks on it then there is a simple
and ...
Peter Green PAC Lifetime Achievement Award
The PAC would like to congratulate Peter Green on his Lifetime achievement
award, which was awarded for his commitment and dedication to the PAC.
Peter h...
So it has been a while since my last post. Even though I've been extremely
busy I've fit in a surprising amount of flyfishing related activities
lately wh...
*FLY FISHING FOR BASS, a continuing series... Stay tuned!*
Fly Fishing for Bass Part 1... Why I Fish for Bass.
Fly Fishing for Bass Part 2... "How you do...
Some nymph's and such...
Been tying up a bunch of these. The chartruese Schroeders caddis landed my
son's first gill of the season. I have it tucked away for same keeping. I
am pla...
Angler's Rainbow
A little postcard sized rainbow trout I painted yesterday. This will be a
door prize at the Angle's Club of Philadelphia Diner being held April
14th. T...
Lonely Lunker Winner
Gotta toot my horn. Winner, winner....Chicken Dinner! That nice 8.22 pound
Landlocked I pulled from Lake Champlain got me a Lonely Lunker prize in the
Cool New Products
This time of the year is one of my favorite times as a fly shop owner. It
is the time of the year when new products are unveiled from manufacturers
and di...
Cheeky hour
I had to drop the motor into the garage and was told to come back in about
hour, so knowing there was a stretch of river nearby I wandered off for a
De IJssel en haar schoonheden
Ik heb er zin in. Vandaag samen met mijn maatje Abel op pad, richting de
ijssel. Na een stevige wandeling zijn we er rond half 2. Een mooi gedeelte
van d...