So a whole year has passed already and not all plans have gone as I wanted and some have gone way better than expected, its been a funny old year right enough and I have lots of new stuff going down for next year so I guess this year has been a pre curser for the fluff chucking and tying extravaganza and the odd black Sabbath show thrown in for good measure in June.
Off course predators are always top of my list and I had some very memorable days with some very hard fighting fish and also so bloody frustrating days like the day below , where it was blowing a bloody hurricane and I struggled to find somewhere out the wind when I did I caught fish , but the wind kept changing direction so I had to keep changing spots , as even an anchor wasn’t holding and I must of missed at least 20 odd fish on the surface to subbugs because of the wind towing my line bloody heart breaking but a real adrenaline rush all at the same time and this was in bloody November in Scotland craziness
I did very very well on blackflies this year and variations off it, the best results came from black subbugs with some silver flashbou running through it this was a friggin killer and the pike attacked them full on aggressive style, the takes were very fast and very furious this is a fly ill be running with a lot next year along with some of my medium flashbou patterns which the fish also seem to love , the only trouble with those ones is that suicidal trout also love them but sometimes that can break a slow day with a bit of excitement
The biggest thing to hit the shelves this year is without doubt diamond hard uv resin from deercreek (click the pic) this has overtaken another major but tacky product that’s on the market in the uk as the best for the fly tier , and actually kits start at 20 pounds uk , people are cottoning on to this and trying it and are starting to get very happy with the results , other uv resins claim to be tack free and at 50 quid a kit you would expect the best but from forum discussions ive seen it is curing tacky so people are switching to this in droves and to be honest I can’t blame them for 20 quid a kit and it cures non tacky …….check there site some top tiers are using it now

The thing is I can no longer see the point of fiddling around with clips and crimps etc when you can just knot this stuff in seconds check the video below to see how easy it is
I’ve also teamed up this year with predator bite to supply some very handy grab and go fly kits (click the picture) these kits are fantastic for those who don’t have the time to tie their own or are new to the sport , the best seller is my streamer kit which contains fly’s for pretty much any occasion and can also be used in saltwater, in fact this kit is proving popular with those going off on holiday to warmer climes as you get the box 8 great proven patterns and a spool of Authanic wire , so all you need is a 3 or 4 piece rod and a reel to go in your luggage and you off these flies will catch you fish anywhere in the world

I do like to fish big flies sometimes and I had neglected making them for a while as id been concentrating on the smaller baitfish patterns in synthetics so when piking brother ken capsey over at pike adventures posted some of his big musky patterns (think they were called bettys) but anyway decided to add my own touch to them and I called them muskie busters , if you want the full recipe you can find it here
And there’s loads of other recipes on my site so please go check it out .
Ive fished with these at the of the season and they were bloody brilliant I actually had a pike hit the thing right under my feet but try as I might I could connect with the bloody thing check out the video below for my attempts
Off course these days there’s a massive choice out there for us pike fly tiers mostly aimed at the saltwater fly fisher overseas but can be easily used for pike flies , of course there is company’s in the uk springing up specifically for the uk pike fly tier and fly fisher ill list these later , as to ep well Im going to revisit it next year I have some ideas I’m going to try as I do like the colour range , the thing I don’t like is the price of the stuff in the uk , but now that I can mix it with other stuff i.e gliss n glint plus I can see some funky stuff going down with it in new ties ….
Ahhh the subbug (no its still not and never has been a dhalberg diver) has a large space in my fly boxes I always take at least a box of them with me when I go fishing and next year will be no different indeed not , if anything ill have more of them in different sizes and colours it’s a great fly and if you wanna see more check out the subbuggin site
Ok those sites I promised you earlier in no particular order
so with the year drawing to a close I look forward to the new year with fresh challenges new friends and plenty of fishing and let me tell you there will be plenty of craziness going on , again thanks to all those who visit and follow every single one of you is appreciated
Signing off for 2011
(a cave in Scotland)