A new take on an old idea
As said in a previous post I get the idea of tubes but I found that it was a pain in the backside for predators having to either carry them pre rigged on wire or having to clip the hook off change the fly and then re crimp the wire especially after catching a fish when wire can sometimes get frayed from teeth , I even once tried using a flying hook just above the tube but it was all a bit of a pain in the back side so I left it alone for many years until I picked up on the idea again so I got tying
I had almost a brain wave when I realised that I could actually make a completely new rig for tube flies aimed at pike and predators which makes changing tubes a breeze here’s how I did it
First you have to use Authanic wire from predator bite the reason is the only one I could get doubled up through the tube and allowing free movement of the tube up the trace therefore giving you less leverage on the hook which should equate to more fish on the bank.so first up you’re going to need 16 inches of Authanic wire which you will fold in half then join the two loose ends together with either a loop knot or a sliding knot a surgeons know is a fast and easy knot to use http://www.animatedknots.com/surgeonsloop/index.php
First you have to use Authanic wire from predator bite the reason is the only one I could get doubled up through the tube and allowing free movement of the tube up the trace therefore giving you less leverage on the hook which should equate to more fish on the bank.so first up you’re going to need 16 inches of Authanic wire which you will fold in half then join the two loose ends together with either a loop knot or a sliding knot a surgeons know is a fast and easy knot to use http://www.animatedknots.com/surgeonsloop/index.php
Join to your leader like the picture below don’t worry about the know being a tight fit here as this trace will last you for a long time (some people I know are still using the same trace a full season on)
What we then do is thread one end of the backing right through the tube and through the looped Authanic wire then take your loose end and thread back through the tube
The interesting thing about testing this rig so far is that I was around 4 hours into the test and amazingly despite having quite a few hang ups (goes with the territory urban canal fishing shopping trolleys etc.) I hadn’t had a single foul up and also quite interesting was none of the material had fouled around the hook promising very promising.
If you have any questions about the rig or tubes please feel free to contact me, I will next week do a tube tying video and a separate video on rigging them so tune in next week or subscribe for updates
This picture above looks very pikey and to be honest most of the canal looked like this in the sections I fished, but further up in my favourite section the council have cleaned the bankside installed lovely solar lights into the freshly tarmacked towpath and it looks awful from an angler’s point of view time will tell but before I decide if they have completely cocked up the fishing ill need to do a couple of early morning jaunts first.
and in other news
and in other news

a brand new blog has appeared on the radar please go on over and give him your support i suspect this is going to be a worth a read blog and im looking forward to his posts go sign up folks
tight lines from the cave
Thanks for your support Dave.
Tigh lines
Great post! Nice tutorials of how to use different ways of joining tippets. I can see that you're going for the big ones.
Have fun fly fishing for the big ones,
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