so its official sub bugs continue to take over the world ken capsey chief tester in the states is going nuts for the things and its not only in the states they catch on both sides of the Atlantic when I'm on the phone to ken the conversation completely crashes into sub bug talk within Min's , how about this , what about doing that yea that's cool but what about if i add that and this and so this goes on for hours and at the end of it it usually comes good and we end up with some very cool ideas cheers ken your an inspiration buddy
so I've been adding new stuff to my main website at
I've started to add some trusted sellers of pike and predator materials on the site so you can click a picture and go straight to the product this is very much a work in progress so keep checking back on there .
I've also added a couple of new pages dedicated to all thing sub bugs (threes a surprise) well kens got some very cool pics on there of his bug catches including the picture below of his biggest pickerel to date on a bug and I'm pretty sure kens going to adding a lot more in the coming weeks the guys a fly fishin jedi also watch for some pictures of his fishing partner Brian who likes to hit himself in the back of the head with big epoxy flies way to go mate he he
so I've also added a page on using sub bugs to the website here you ll find the methods for fishing them here's the link of course the method is not set in stone you can tweek it to you own liking but have a look and get bugging

tight lines