(a very worthwhile cause check out Keith Passants auction)

from the ebay auction
About this charity:
Casting for Recovery UK & Ireland is a non-profit, support and educational program for women who have or have had breast cancer.
Another Fantastic Item in aid of
Casting for Recovery UK & Ireland
A fantastic set of 14 Pike Flies
Hook sizes Vary from 1/0 to 6/0 and are tied with a variety of Deer Creek materials
Donated by The Pike Fly Fishing Association of Great Britain and tied by
Dave Lindsay
The flies were donated by the PFFA as a raffle prize for the 24 hour Fly-tying Marathon undertaken at the BFFI over the weekend of the 30th and 31st of October by Keith Passant.
I decided they would raise more money by Auctioning them off.
Every penny raised from this auction will go to the charity
Casting for Recovery UK & Ireland
To give you an idea of value these flies retail at anything from £2.65 to £3.95 each
Dig deep folks. You know it makes sense
There is a similar batch of these on my other items and again its all going to CfR
Thanks and good luck
please get bidding people and show you care , if you dont want to bid then please help by posting a link on your website,blog or forum
dave lindsay
Bob Verveka said this about you Dave
Dave Lindsay has some nice looking flies.
Wow that's a compliment
wow im stunned that indeed is a compliment
Hey, when can I get my flies! I did my best for this auction and buyed one of those items. Superbe idea!
Best regards!
Tight lines!
Just received my flies!!! Awesome!!!!! Thanks!
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