Tuesday, 7 December 2010

bloody more snow = no fishing

with Scotland being pretty much snowed in and everywhere frozen solid its time to get the vice out , well i actually had some kit packed and ready to go into my bag for work but i got a call saying not to bother going in as all the groups i had to set up for had cancelled so rather than bugger about i just hauled my stuff out my bag and set up in the warmth of the living room , still not got my camera fixed so sorry about the crappy phone camera pics
I've been tying pretty much with new materials lately so thought id back track quite a few years and do some ep flies , a pattern that I've always had is a simple bait fish type pattern which scores well on many venues the belly is a plain white ep the back is a mullet colour ep and the red flash is done by simply adding red angel hair , all tied on 4/0 hooks eyes are from deercreek a simple but effective bait fish

a few made up in different sizes and different eyes and in the video box i can easily get at least another 6 flies in the box and same amount again if i put them at both ends , so with that i actually realise i much prefer making flies with the new synthetics that are out there i find them a lot easier to work with than ep and i never thought id say that , anyway these materials can be obtained from the following
top range of pike fly tying products

gliss n glint and gliss n glint plus can be obtained from

someone was talking about thunder creek flies the other day on the pffa forum and i remembered that quite a while ago i had made a load up for perch and i had sized em up for pike as well although i cant find the pike sized ones , i think there buried in one of my many boxes of fluff but I'm digressing a bit .....
the fly itself is a a cracking little bait fish pattern and can be deadly when predators are fry feeding or if your targeting smaller predators like the perch family that just love a small minnow snack ,the flies themselves are very easy to tie and ill include a video at the bottom of toady's post of somebody doing one and ill also include a link to a photographic step by step
the flies above were done for perch and are done on 1/0 Aberdeen hooks the designs and colours you can do with this pattern are endless as you can see below , if your like me and sometimes especially in the UK like to go and cast on a commercial trout pond for some fresh fish (i refuse to eat supermarket rainbow trout) then you pay your money for a few fish and then normally you can if you wish pay a few pounds for catch and release so you could pay a flat price of say £10.00 for 2 fish and then catch and realise . this is normally the option i go for .
now the reason i go for this is quite simple i love my fishing as well as fly tying and imagine if you turn up at one of these fisheries and catch a couple of fish within five Min's then you have to pack up and go home as you've caught your limit well although I've digressed a bit again theres is a point to this as these fisheries usually have a great head of specimen sized perch which normally don't get fished for as these venues are fly only and not too many people fly fish for perch but this is a golden opportunity to catch some very big fish and these flies along with sparkly creations are the way to go as these perch will be mainly feeding on smaller invertebrates and minnows so theres a golden opportunity right there to have a great days fishing for some specimen sized fish and the fisheries owners really don't mind at all if you want to fish for them in fact I'm classed as a bit of an oddball on some trout waters when i say I've only caught nuisance rainbow trout actually come to think of it I'm classed as a bit of an oddball anyway oh well

here's a link for a great step by step for this deadly pattern although i tend to stick an epoxy eye on


and if you click this link you'll get a great 2 part video


so with no fishing on the horizon for at least a few weeks and maybe even into January i guess im going to be doing a fair bit of tying so i look forward to the coming weeks of talking about when we can get out and new patterns emerging out of my brain


frozen in a cave in Scotland

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Those are some good looking streamers. The snow has just started here. I got out last weekend and snapped a $300 fly rod. =(

I like your blog and will "follow" along.

The Average Joe Fisherman