it happens that this is the worst snow we have had in 20 odd years and so early in the year to , i know that in the grand scheme of things its only a dusting compared to places like Canada and Vermont but believe it or not our whole country (Scotland) has ground to a halt because of it in fact i cant even get a bus into work and the kids schools are closed , people are panic buying bread at the supermarket i mean one woman had like 40 loafs in her basket i mean even if you could get them all in your freezer how bloody long do you think this is going to last stupid people
my garden this morning yes i am wearing chest waders

so yesterday i had planned a day out on a water i have special access to with an old pal although the water itself wasn't frozen we could get there due to roads being impassable and to be honest its not worth even trying as i had 3 ft of snow outside my door and the road outside had disappeared completely so luckily after a swift phone call to the fishery owner he said no problem let him know when we can make it so that's a bonus and haven't missed out on what could be some outstanding predator fishing on the fly
so no work kids at home means i can do some tying I'm not going to tie in my cave to bloody cold so the next best option is the wife's coffee table so i set to work on some new gliss n glint plus patterns if you notice outside its finally stopped snowing

not for long and I've only just started tying and the snows coming down again if you notice the TV weather the map of the UK is looking suspiciously non fishy with blue everywhere which means yet more snow blahhhhhhhhhhhhhh


ho ho ho
(a cold cave in Scotland)
Alright, I guess you did get a bit of snow over there! We are dealing with 60 mph winds right now... Weather is really funky! Build a fire and get that cave warm.
Man I am not ready for the snow yet! It started today though. Dang!
Found your blog today. I like it. I will "follow" along.
The Average Joe Fisherman
Hi Dave!
Coooooool that fly!
Here in Porto we do not have snow, but it is very cold and wet!!!
Tight lines!!
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