later brothers and sisters
(a cave in Scotland)
so its that time of year I'm about to book my flights to the USA and do some serious fishing and drinking and generally raising hell with my partners in crime above , you know my wife sees it as me skiving off on holiday but i tell her , its not a holiday I'm going fishing ,if i had bass in this country i wouldn't go dear (outright lie there fellas) she doesn't believe me you know ,but how on earth can i explain the rush i get when a large mouth hits you fly on the surface in crystal clear calm waters , or the expectation that at any moment a fish will come tanking up out of the Lilly pads and crush your fly , how can i possible explain when I'm up a mountain fishing 4 inch deep stream for native brookies on dry flies how on earth can i explain the great time on Brian's porch eating great food from his BBQ and drinking firewater while dodging bugs from hell that are intent on killing you from a great height and speed and the rolling around laughing after the thing puts a dent in the woodwork and misses your head by a few inch's , or lying in a hammock in my brother kens back yard drinking a cold beer and chewing the fat
the brotherhood and comradeship of these guys and the great fishing times we have is what keeps me going back every year ,fellas your the greatest see ya in a month I'm busting to get there already
as some of my close friends know i don't do commercial tying really anymore burnt myself out doing over 3500 in one year was too much , and I'm not a guy who wants to be the big shot know it all I'm better than you fly tier , in fact i was tying flies for pike in this country when nobody else was even thinking about the sport , all i am i a guy that enjoys what he does and is happy to share the knowledge that's that no hidden agendas nothing .
i tie flies for 3 company's and that's it each company gets limited amounts of flies tied by me and i don't get any pressure from any of them , each company get unique flies and flies that catch fish the latest and the last company to get flies made by me is a company near Edinburgh called predator bite now these guys also produce a really superb knotable trace wire called authanic wire i know a few guys who now swear by it for fly fishing , well these guys asked me to produce some flies for there website and i was delighted to do it and I've managed to produce some really serious big but light flies at an very reasonable price and the guys have already caught some some nice fish with them click the pick below to check em out
busy this last week oh hell yea I've been busy i had a major fly order to finish part of which is in the picture below so that took up a hell of a time as i had to fit it in around work and family i choose not to do many commercial ties these days and i tend to pick and choose very carefully where my work goes , these will be on sale shortly via a website and i will post when there up there .
spread the word and feel free to use my videos on any websites you like please just link back to where you found it .
(a cave in Scotland)
eurovison song contest joke "whats blue and cant sing"
OK so I'm not going to get any Oscars for my performance in this video I'm not really into producing hi quality fly tying videos i just stick my digital camera on a small tripod and shoot , the reason i do them is quite simply I'm asked to , and I'm happy to help the video above i did for fellow facebook Friend and fly tier jens from Sweden , who makes some pretty amazing salmon flies , well he has also got some great places to pike fish and he has started to do the odd pike fly as well and pretty good they are as well , so i wanted to give him a bit of a head start on things and knowing Jens he will add his own slant to it as well cant wait to see what he comes up with .
the only down side with doing videos on a camera is your restricted to time and how much memory you have to play with and you can only upload 15 min videos onto youtube so if you want to do longer videos you have to do them in a few parts which is a bit of a pain , so i try to keep them to under 15 Min's if i can , and it took me nearly 3 hours to bloody upload the thing whats all that about ....
trying to beat the clock while fly tying is no easy thing and no doubt ill have to in the future do 2 part videos for more complex flies as although the video is a bit rushed know people did enjoy it , i can rush these kind of flies out dead fast but when you trying to explain things it can slow it down a bit , but hey the finished product is all good and will catch fish
a slightly closer view of the final fly , i like to call these hot heads as the head is always a bit more of a vibrant colour than the rest of the body , will these catch more fish , well hell if i know i just enjoy tying the things and its in colours ive done well on before so i have faith in them and other people have caught on these so alls good
my desk remains suitably nearly tidy after the video , this is my get away space and has fantastic light in the afternoon , i always enjoy my time here .....
on a separate note ken over at pike adventures son kaiden just walloped out his first trophy bass at 18 inch's on a fly rod and he did it all by himself , well done buddy great fish makes it even better when your dad caught nothing
have a great weekend
(a cave in Scotland)
uncle Greg over at pike trek (click the pic above) sent me some of there new samurai hooks which a basically a half circle hook , and i studied it for a while , turned it this way and that mulled a few ideas over before finally committing material to hook , as the shank on these is quite short so obviously not to much space to work with , but as with most new things sometimes i need to think about things for a while to get the best out of them
following on the same Principal of they may just hit it because it looks tasty this fly is tied with half the amount of material than the one above it , i want this to fish close to the bottom by tying it more sparsely the weight of the hook will get it down there faster that the other fly i really don't need to test these before i take them over or fish with them because i know from many years experience what these flys will do i spent many many many years on the water experimenting with fibers and hook weights and fly actions , you see a lot of people will chuck a load of feathers on a hook and pronounce it a killer fly before they even put it near water which is crazy i mean imagine making a massive bad ass fly takes you hours to finish you pronounce to the world its the next greatest thing and it has all the action of a brick , get some watercraft fella I'm sure you've all seen this Joe know it all down your local before .
so i managed to get half a dozen of these made before i went to pick son up and we headed of into town to pick up some fabled no 14 bus time tables and a McDonald's (he gets one McDonald's a month before you mail me about all the crap that's in them) its a father and son treat and as you can see by his face he loves a good chip