so my stuff duly arrived and i was well happy with the results and it was everything i wanted and more , the one thing that wasn't in the order was a tackle bag on the invoice it said that it was coming via a separate courier so i sent a quick email to peter at the company and i received a reply within the hour explaining that they had just sold out of the product and it was being couriered direct from the stockists this i really didn't have a problem with and i know that with my previous dealings with the company that i wont have a problem and even if in the unlikely situation that i did it would be dealt with promptly that is what i call customer service which these days is sadly lacking in a lot of company's .............
an 11lb brown trout on the 3wgt caught by one of there customers i thing the perch and roach will not be a problem

so it brings me to the point about online company's if you need something and you don't have a particular online retailer you go to so what do you do , well i think about 99% of us would do a google search for the item needed which as you will have noticed will bring you up thousands of results , and if for example you want a spool of fluorocarbon you'll be faced literally with a mind boggling amount of hits , so you probably have a look at the first few pages of hits and i doubt many of you will get further than that , so your next step if your in the UK will be to look for a UK company so you ll click on a result that has at the end of it and that's you done .
or so you think , because a lot of company's on the net don't actually carry all if any of the stock they advertise on there websites and you may be faced with thousands of items and every conceivable breaking strain of line well that's all well and good but if you order something its likely that it will have to travel first from the warehouse to the guys house/office when he orders it then it will have to be re packaged to go out to you , this sometimes can take a couple of weeks so you can see the problem right there , just because they are in the top search results doesn't mean they are the best what you need to do is send a mail to the company and ask if they have it in stock and how long from ordering will it take to get to you . if its more than a week then its more than likely that they don't have the item in stock do your homework and ask questions legit company's will happily answer any questions you may have

so this brings me nicely to now i have over the years bought a few things from them (first about 8 years ago i think)and the one thing i like about them , besides the prices is the fact that they actually have physical stock at there warehouse so when you order somebody at the actual company goes and picks it of a shelf and sticks your name and addres on it before the courier comes to warehouse to pick your parcel up and deliver it to you .they also remove stuff they have haven't got so are constantly on the case and as i said there customer service is second to none ....... they have a vast array of fishing tackle far to much for me to list here so click the picture above and check one of the best in the UK and some of the cheapest prices ...... if you scrool down there sidebar menue youll find the fly fishing section but dont forget to check out there bulk hooks great for the fly tier