had a parcel arrive from nick over at www.deercreek.co.uk with some more eyes to play with and some pretty cool chenille and a pair of scissors now I've recently bought a pair of similar scissors from a major fly and gear shop at double the price of what nick has em now i paid nearly £20.00 UK for this supposed top of the range scissor and nick has the same ones for £7.99 i had both pairs out and examined them and i can say that they are the same except the expensive pair had the company's branding on them
so click the picture below to go get an awesome pair of fly tying scissors and support UK suppliers

these flies are big these are designed to tempt a big old esox with a hearty fish snack these flies are all in the 12 inch range built on 6/0 orvis pike and musky hooks but and here is the but these baby's are light you can easily throw them with a 9 wgt the design is to make the fly look big in the water and by using lightweight materials in this case my favorite melon orange body material from piketrek and coupled with gator eyes from www.deercreek.co.uk and a superb big predator fly is born

so you may think theres a bit to much material in these flies and that it will effect the hookup rate well as these are tied hollow tie there is pretty much plenty of room for a hook up as there is hardly any material between the hook point and hook shank its a bit of an illusion and it works the same in the water

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