I've just got through watching this eagerly anticipated DVD from brad bohen i will be doing a review shortly but what i will say is this film is incredible i just could stop watching it and with 60 Min's of extras as well awesome absolutely awesome if you don't want to wait click on the picture below for sales in the UK and to watch a trailer , for the USA click the link below
this DVD will give you more pleasure than a good humping

Marc Petijean Magic Heads
quite a while ago i bought a pile of magic heads and used them on some patterns , they had just hit the market and i thought id give them ago i bought 3 packets of them and used 2 packs on flies that have long since been given away , well a couple of months ago i found buried deep in a box of random stuff the last packet , so i decide that id make up some smaller baitfish for my local perch population i had a free day coming up , well i say free i was watching my boy while the wife went to work so i set aside this time to do them i had already dug out the hooks and stuck the heads on to save a bit of time when i came to do them .....great plan
so starts another week and I'm hitting a big water on Tuesday so watch out for some stunning scenic pictures and hopefully some fish on Wednesday
later folks
Very cool, plan on going after some toothy fish on the New River, Va ASAP!!!
Fantastic flies! I would try it for polish pikes!
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