so a big massive well done to pffa member James hall (below) who is seen here holing his new fly caught pb of 12 pounds , Jame's is fairly new to the Noble sport of pike fly fishing and has been doing pretty well of late so well done ....oh and the fly that caught it one of my high ties that i sent him , and I've just stuck so new ones in the post for him so looking forward to seeing some more of his catches ............

whats off the vice today
well I'm heading off in a few weeks to do a major rod review and the chosen venue is quite murky because of the amount of carp in it despite only being 9 or 10 feet at its deepest point so I've been doing some flies that will show up well in the murky water and I'm also going to give the bunny bug a go despite never having done that well on them I'm going to give them another shot
circle bait fish and other flies from today
i am am not a tackle tart
everyone has it own use (honest)
a big bummer goes out to ken capsey who for most of today and has been having a very bad case of deli belly today and has found himself pretty much unable to do anything today there a loo roll on its way to you and that will teach you to eat raw chilli's ......I'm not laughing honest
if your going out this weekend fishing take care and don't take risks
tight lines
(a cave in Scotland)
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