so welcome once again to the Tuesday tie off and this week was kens choice and a great one it is , it basically stems from an email conversation i was having with him and he sent me a link to a site that was funnily enough on my website links on there was a great pattern for small mouth bass which with a bit of tinkering ken thought would make a great pike pattern
so i had a look at the link and thought mmmmmmm i think this would make a great pattern not only for pike in larger size but in its smaller form i think this fly would be great for perch , chub or even zander or carp in this country so to the vice
so with time fast running out before i had to go to work i just had to do the pike version no i thought that normal bass bug rubber legs wouldn't cut it on a pike fly so what i did was use the legs from a sea fishing Muppet instead and although a bit trickier to work with I'm rather impressed with the results that's that for today although I'm going to tie a load more smaller ones up for my trip to vt in the next few days I'm loving them ......remember to head on over to ken capseys pike adventures blog (the link is a box at the top of the blog) ..............................or click below
tight lines till next time fly tiers
(a cave in Scotland)
1 comment:
I'm not sure about pike but I bet once the smallmouth bass get thinking about spawning which they should be doing now in these parts they will tear that bug up. If you fish them with Ken be prepared to catch a few.
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