with my trip stateside drawing ever closer and the fact that i got home for a few hours yesterday i had a bit of a frenzy of fly tying i had some new popper heads arrive from ken over at pike adventures for me to play as well as some new stuff to review (more on that tomorrow) so to the vice it is and i had a burning desire to do some deer hair flys bunny bug style i think they turned out sweet and surely old bucketmouth will have a pop at them ...........
OK a yellow raineys foam head that i drew on some black stripes now im no van cough or whatever his name was but I'm pretty sure the fish wont mind this comes in at around 7 inch's and will rip some water up big style ......get it up ye fish
so the foam poppers i got are called boiler makers for the simple reason that they kick up bucket loads of water when fished on the surface in fact they spurt so much water in front of them that you'll get a soaking from 5 feet away loving it and cant wait till we get one day of summer in the UK to try em out on the surface ......mmmmmmmmm although i suspect ill be chasing down some largemouths with these
of course you can just turn them round and use em for a nice profile head on a big fly like the one below
so about a week ago ken over at pike adventures sent me a link to a great little site www.warmwaterflytier.com and he said id need some of these rubber things for the smallmouths he has in his river the idea is the fly has lots of movement in the water with all the rubber legs so i tied a few the other day and posted the results you'll find this on a posting last week
so intrigued with this fly i was i of course had to start playing with the idea using different bodies and tying styles as i think this will also be a cracking little pattern for pretty much anything that swims in this country and I'm especially thinking perch and chub .....
playing around with different materials is always a great way of coming up with something maybe new and untried like the fly (i use that term very loosely) Ive used piketreks UV life form for a tail and dubbed in ep sparkle for the body nice colours looks right but you never know it may be awful and not catch a thing but fun to do .....
the fly above I've used dubbed silver ep sparkle and a few orange legs to get a simple fly but something that looks like a fish would snack on it so with me being off work next week i very much plan to fill a box up with these rubber legged creatures and a pile of sub bugs happy days

OK so i went off on a bit of a tangent there sorry so back to the finsport well as i said its massive and will easily hold enough gear for a session and you can clip a strap to it and carry it across your shoulder well not only is this a brilliant idea and such a time saver i mean imagine getting home from work and being back out in a matter of minutes fantastic , they are widely used in the tropics by beach runners these are guys who chase feeding fish along Beach's with nothing more than a fly rod and one of these ......great idea ....and thanks to my brother for sending me one

should you want a closer look here's a link to a great USA site that sells them enjoy some fly wallet porn here http://www.bearsden.com/product1719.html
nice find Mr capsey
ken found these amazing massive fin sport wallets that i think will be incredible for hit and run fly fishing so i was delighted when ken sent me one over to try (wasn't to happy at the vat charge though bastards) now myself and ken regularly send stuff to and from this and his fair isle as ken is a keen collector of old tackle and fly memorabilia so i track down useless junk from this side of the pond and send it to ken who loves the stuff in fact just the other day i spotted some plastic teacup coasters 8 of them and all had a different salmon fly printed on well that's capsey fodder some it was purchased for the princely sum of a UK pound and his package of assorted shite is winging its way over the Atlantic enjoy the candy bro ........
OK so i went off on a bit of a tangent there sorry so back to the finsport well as i said its massive and will easily hold enough gear for a session and you can clip a strap to it and carry it across your shoulder well not only is this a brilliant idea and such a time saver i mean imagine getting home from work and being back out in a matter of minutes fantastic , they are widely used in the tropics by beach runners these are guys who chase feeding fish along Beach's with nothing more than a fly rod and one of these ......great idea ....and thanks to my brother for sending me one
should you want a closer look here's a link to a great USA site that sells them enjoy some fly wallet porn here http://www.bearsden.com/product1719.html
so hopefully ill get lots of tying done net week and you will see the return of the Tuesday tie off on Tuesday funnily enough
tight lines fellow friendless followers and for those like to talk shite about me may your next shit be a hedge hog
(a very calm cave in scotland)
Could be America...or could be that you've just visited the curry house and forgot to put the Charmin in the deep freeze....LOL!
Love those finsport wallets....been using them for a while for striper flies mostly. When wade fishing I stick a couple extra leaders, some tippet maybe a pair of nippers in one of the bags and I'm all set.
very nice stuff man....you guys should come to NY and we'll hit some small mouth water here....I'm only 4 hours from Ken...
hey pat ill have a words with ken see if we can work a day out i know were fairly busy but hey you never know , its possible just depends on time ......ill speak to ken
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