listen hear i really don't feckin care how big you think you are in the fishing world i really couldn't give a toss if you think i make to many flies i do what i do for the love of fly tying end of story, if you want to say something about my flies say it to my face fecker i can take constructive criticism and welcome it .............
the tide is turning fecker and your going out with it you aint that good
Joe Walsh - Palace Theater, Providence, RI 1975 (AtticRock Remaster)
Joe Walsh on the *So What t*our, at the Palace Theater in Providence, Rhode
Island on February 3, 1975.
On the bill as special guests were REO Speedwagon a...
1 day ago
Are you alright bud? You sound right fed up...
How can you tie too many flies! As long as you get enjoyment out of it who cares.....
cheers guys some people just think there miles above anybody else ...and im very limited to what i can say , sometimes you just have to have a thick skin........
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