pikesaber 9ft 10wt fly rod
you know sometimes in life you get a real surprise and this rod is one of those times in fact id go so far as to say its a moment that ill never forget when i opened up the black tube to reveal a 4 piece rod that has shaken the foundations of my pike fly fishing , at first i thought id been sent a trout reservoir rod i mean surely such a low cost rod couldn't weigh just a few more grams than my sage xi2 and throw out a line and big fly like the xi2 does .
my first job due to the waters in Scotland being frozen was to get out in the park with a selection of lines and give it a bit of a thrashing without a fly on the end to get the feel of it well although its a 10wt i found my 9wt line cast very easily and comfortably and i got pretty much down to the backing . i was quite impressed.so onwards and upwards i tried my 10wt Rio striped bass line and hell not only did it get to the backing in only a couple of false casts you could feel the rod wanting to take more no i sat up and took notice that i had something very special in my hands .and it even casted my 20ft lead core leaders with no effort at all i was starting to get that tingling feeling ...
i had to try this on water with big flys after big fish so i headed south to old bury hill estate lakes in surrey i knew that this would be ice free and id be able to get a punt out on the water , so there we were in the middle of this lake casting the most enormous flies i had with me which were 13 inch musky sized flies and this rod absolutely demolished anything i could throw at it i had to marvel at feeling the load points on the cast with a 13 inch fly and watch in shear amazement as the 13 inch fly headed for the horizon with pretty much little effort on my part and it still wanted to take more i must admit to being seriously impressed
features on the rod include
Unique Aluminium Fighting Butt - it looks a but like the death star from star wars but it comes into great effect as when fighting fish (or in my case a fly stuck up a tree from the boat) the butt fits very comftabley into the palm of your hand andthere is a screw in the bottom that you can undo and place weight in to balance the rod if need be
30/40 ton Strengthened Carbon - oh boy is it strong , i managed to pull a punt with 2 anglers to the bank with the rod this rod will have no problem landing the biggest of fish in this country quickly and efficiently
High Grade Cork Handle - a quality cork handle makes all he difference in comfort although they still get dirty but to me theres nothing worse than a nice shinny handle
SIC Line Stripping Rings - no scrimping here either the rings and guides are quality
Unground Blank for extra Strength - does what its says it is strong your not going to explode this on a fish
Spiral Wrap to stop Line Stick - probably why the line just wants to keep going and going
Bag and Rod tube - no short cuts here either a quality bag a very strong tube ideal for the traveling angler , i traveled on the train from Edinburgh endured 2 rush hour tube journeys and it didn't even get a scrape or a dent
keeper ring - this is one thing that really annoys me you pay £600 quid for a sage and theres not a keeper ring for you fly same with a lot of high price rods no keeper ring this has a nice strong keeper ring at the top of the handle perfect
line up dots - how many times have you got the rod out and it takes ages to line all the rings up this the rod has small but easy to see small white dots so your up and ready in seconds .
so all in all this rod has been very well thought out by pike fly anglers and they have come up with probably the best pike fly rod on the market and a great price it really doesn't matter if your looking for an entry level rod or stepping up to the next level this rod will be the only rod you will ever need and at under 200 pounds UK this rod is far better than rods costing 4 times that much i really cannot fault it in anyway , if your a pike fly angler your really need to own one of these . may the force be with you ..5/5 dl
to purchase the next generation of pike fly rod or for more info please click the picture below
Joe Walsh - Palace Theater, Providence, RI 1975 (AtticRock Remaster)
Joe Walsh on the *So What t*our, at the Palace Theater in Providence, Rhode
Island on February 3, 1975.
On the bill as special guests were REO Speedwagon a...
1 day ago
totally agree dave great rod
I really want one now!!! I can't wait for our dollar to get a little stronger to make it worth while.
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