OK so after coming back from the states and having a look in ken and Brian's fly boxes i admit to being very impressed with the foam stuff they both had and i tied some up at Ken's to try as well , i had to tie my own as capsey would still have been going on about catching fish on his flys .
so yesterday i made few Chernobyl ant flies up but in pike size , id had so much success in the states with smaller ones i thought theres no way big sizes wouldn't catch pike on the surface and it gives me a good excuse for starting up a rather massive box of top water flys for my trip after the bass next year .
all the flys below are tied on long shank 4/0 hooks (there big)
the foam above i was getting from ken over at pike adventures he sends me a pack every 3 months and i send him old fishing shit that he likes to collect (rusty hook on its way buddy) but I've now found the very same foam in a local craft store what a bonus
the fly above is actually twice the thickness of the same colour fly above it i just like to tinker with stuff and see what happens
well i have ken to thank for getting my brain in gear on this one , while i was fishing Champlain with him we saw quite a lot of massive dragon flies the things were so big they could have taken on an f16 well id forgotten that ken had said they were good bass snacks (i should listen to him now and again ) and it wasn't till last night while he was on the video hook up to me that he showed me his version of it, its not on his blog yet but hopefully it will be soon as its an absolute killer , below is my version i say my version as I'm not one for directly copying a fly and calling it my own , although something similar probably is out there although maybe not in this size , so this is my spin on kens dragon fly
every thing gonna be all white
how can a fish resist such a tasty morsel struggling for its life on the surface simple it cant , so I've still got some ideas in my head that i need to get on a hook and making the flys above was the first part of the plan as i have in mind some really radical designs which as i have the day of tomorrow will be put on a hook so check back tomorrow evening and see what come out the lab