arriving at first light at the launch point we were treated to bucket loads of what we thought were small bait fish feeding of thousands of sand fly things that were piled up against the shore and slowly drifting out into the bay to be hovered up by the waiting bait fish we decided that next time we came down we would rig up a couple of 5 wgts and throw some bugger type flies to see if we could 1- find out what the fish are and 2 - have a bit of pre launch fun a note was taken and plan was made
bucketmouths there is a reason they are called that , theres a reason if you throw a frog into a bucketmouth water the frog does a front crawl as fast as it can to get the feck out of the water seriously its like the frog version of jaws the bass like to lie in the thick stuff and when you hook em the first thing they do is try to take you round every grass root and tree stump in the place but armed with the right gear you can stop em doing that and I'm delighted to say the pikesaber proved its muscle yet again by hauling the buggers out and stopping them in there tracks I'm hoping to get a couple of 7/8 weight sabers made for my trip next year for the bass and for carp in this country i think these guys are sitting on a rod range here to rival all others.....
the mysterious vanishing pike and muskie
so i had planned this trip with pike and muskie in mind but it didn't happen the temps were up in the 90s and the fish were very hard to find and when we did find areas the fish were just not on it , normally that would be a real pisser on any venue in the UK but in the us the you have the option of the largemouth when the sun gets hot they get hungry go on the prowl and hit top water flies fast and furious the sport i had this day with the temps getting up to 96 degrees has turned me into a complete top water addict fish bum the hotter the better for these fish incredible top water action I'm well and truly hooked so much so that I'm already tying top water stuff for next year
I've got to hand it to him ken knew the pike were off the menu and he said OK i know a spot for some bucketmouths he fired up the engine and 10 Min's we where at the spot i think ken has been fly fishing so long i swear the guy can smell fish within a couple of casts he was into a largmouth bass from impossible cover and it took to the air like a good one
ken bagged the first largemouth of the trip
well it had to go down in the champlain hood the first largmouth to the mcfluff feck me do these things go there like a train with no brakes and when you do get them to the side of the boat the feckers swim round in circles , luckily i picked up the bass thumb technique quite fast the day before on carmine so i had it in fast

looks like a good lip rippin time fellas....
Next time, you lot should head south and try out the salt water stuff....
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