well you don't need to tell me its been a totally weird couple of years what with the rona and everything , i haven't been sitting on my arse doing nothing , far from it life has led me down a path as a full time predator fly tier due to having to give up my support work (which i loved despite the hours and awful uncaring management) due to the arthritis in my knee which has also stopped a few fishing trips but i have learned to live with it and adjust to it so im over the blip now and have some focus but cant believe so much time has passed , but im still here still good and still spelling badly :-)
so what been going down , well actually quite a lot fly have just been going nuts , mainly down to folks catching a shed load of fish here is an example below is gaz , he's a massive fan of robert the roach and a hellava angler
massive thanks to gaz for the pictures and stats , appreciated
what is it about robert the roach
well firstly its not just flash on a hook i actually blend a few different types of flash to create the robert blend and then well mostly red eyes but i have mixed it up latley with different eye colours and the like and indeed he has evolved into a few different things i,e jigs , sport editions , circle hooks etc but im merely giving clients what they request so all good and continues to slay em .
some great video is also coming out via eu angler over on youtube , hes also a big robert fan , please consider heading over to his channel and giving him a subscribe , he does some great content
here he is unboxing some of my flies